Unmasking the Hidden Needs of Remote Employees: Scott De Long’s Employee Development Plan

Introduction: As remote work becomes increasingly prevalent in today’s workforce, organizations must understand the hidden needs of their remote employees. Remote work offers flexibility and freedom but presents unique challenges that can impact employee development and well-being. Scott De Long Ph. D., an experienced educator, and lifelong learner, has developed an employee development plan that addresses these hidden needs. With a focus on humility, empathy, and vulnerability, De Long’s plan aims to create meaningful relationships and stronger teams in remote work environments.

  1. The Importance of Remote Employee Development

Statistics show that remote work has been on the rise, with 74% of organizations planning to permanently shift to more remote work post-pandemic. While remote work offers benefits such as increased productivity and work-life balance, it also presents communication, collaboration, and employee engagement challenges. Therefore, investing in remote employee development is essential for organizations to thrive in the evolving work landscape.

  1. Scott De Long’s Educational Background

Scott De Long, who has been an adjunct professor at Chapman University, brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his employee development plan. With a master’s degree in Leadership Development as well as a doctorate in Education with an emphasis in Leadership Studies, De Long understands the importance of continuous learning and growth.

  1. The Key Principles: Humility, Empathy, and Vulnerability

Dr. De Long’s employee development plan revolves around three guiding principles: humility, empathy, and vulnerability. These principles encourage leaders and employees to redefine success beyond material achievements and prioritize meaningful relationships. By embracing emotional intelligence and team development, organizations can foster a culture of respect, trust, and collaboration in remote work environments.

  1. Lead2Goals: Coaching, Counseling, and Training for Growth-Oriented Organizations: 

De Long’s Lead2Goals organization specializes in coaching, counseling, and training for growth-oriented organizations. They offer various services, including developing corporate culture, effective communication strategies, team building, leadership training, and strategic planning. Lead2Goals believes in the holistic development of individuals and emphasizes the importance of developing people alongside improving processes.

  1. Off-Site Retreats for Effective Strategic Planning: 

Lead2Goals encourages organizations to invest in off-site company retreats for strategic planning purposes. These retreats allow teams to break their daily routine and focus solely on strategic initiatives. Organizations can develop robust strategic plans that align with their vision, mission, and core values by creating a conducive environment for brainstorming and collaboration.

  1. Leadership Development Programs: 

Lead2Goals offers executive coaching and training programs to help leaders develop their skills and enhance their leadership styles. Their Circle of Trust process emphasizes building relationships and understanding objectives. Whether through one-on-one coaching or group sessions, Lead2Goals helps leaders become more effective and inspiring.

Conclusion: In the ever-evolving landscape of remote work, understanding the hidden needs of employees is crucial for organizational success. Scott De Long’s employee development plan, focusing on humility, empathy, and vulnerability, offers a path toward creating meaningful relationships and stronger teams in remote work environments. By investing in employee development and embracing the principles outlined in De Long’s plan, organizations can thrive in the new era of work. Lead2Goals stands ready to assist organizations in realizing their goals and unlocking their full potential through thoughtful implementation of their mission, vision, and core values.

Top Mantlepiece Decorating Ideas

The mantlepiece of your fireplace is an ideal place for displaying a wide range of different options. You may well be looking for just a few ideas of what you can put on top of it. Well, there are plenty of ideas here that may be worth putting into motion. Let’s check out just a few of the decorating ideas that are more than worth it. 


Perhaps the classic choice of what you could put above a fireplace involves a few picture frames that capture and display a few of your most treasured memories. These are a great option as you can then always have the option of switching these up as and when you would like to. Another option could be to get a digital photo frame as this is then going to do the job of switching photos for you rather than just sticking on one. 


Another great choice is to display some candlesticks. This also has the great appeal of having a couple of clear delineators that you put at either side. They also have the practical option of having another source of light that is ideal on a cold winter night and can truly create the excellent and cozy atmosphere that you would typically associate with the festive time of the year. 


There are plenty of statues that could work on a mantlepiece. Of course, they are going to need to fit in with the overall design of the fireplace to begin with. It could well be worth checking out stonewoods.co.uk as a starting point if you are looking for a new fireplace. The statues obviously need to be the right size in order to fit on top of a mantlepiece or sit on the fire surround and create the type of atmosphere that you are looking for. 


A vase can be a great choice of what you put on top of a fireplace – whether or not it is empty. If you decide to fill it up, you always have the option of adding in some seasonal flowers. Another option that is more low maintenance would involve getting some dried flowers that can stay there year after year. 


A clock is an excellent mantlepiece decorating idea as it leaves you with something that looks great while also serving a useful, practical function at the same time. The great thing about clocks is the variety – you can easily choose a timepiece that fits in with your style, right down to the decade and species of wood or type of metal used.  

Decorative boxes or artwork 

If you are looking to go for something that has a simple appeal of decoration, there are plenty of small boxes that you could get that appeal. At the same time, another simple choice is to display some artwork instead. 

Choosing one or a combination of all of these different decorating ideas is a great way of ensuring that your mantlepiece has an excellent lasting appeal that is going to stand the test of time. Of course, you always have the option of varying your choices and going for something different from time to time too. 

Should You Invest in Dallas Real Estate Market

Statistics reveal that the average homeownership price in Dallas surged by 18% in 2021 compared to 2020. The city’s high population expansion and economic growth are the key drivers stimulating demand for houses.

Census statistics show that from July 2020 to July 2021, the Dallas Metro population increased by 97,290 people due to domestic migration. The net domestic migration, defined by the number of people relocating to the city and those exiting, has increased.

Your #1 Help

Are you afraid of venturing into the Dallas real estate market? You shouldn’t. Chris D. Bentley, voted one of the Best Dallas Realtors in 2021, shares the secrets of why Dallas is the prime real estate market you should consider investing in.

 You can rest assured that Chris D. Bentley’s vast experience in this sector will have you sorted. He guides you through the process of purchasing residential and commercial properties and leasing, offering exceptional professional services to you. He has successfully helped many people access their dream homes. Therefore, let not the complexity of the home-buying process deter you from achieving your homeownership dream.

Why Should You Invest In Dallas Real Estate?

  1. There is High Insatiable House Demand in the City

Immigration to the city has been boosted by the presence of the best academic institutions like the University of Texas Austin. Since most people relocating to the city do not own houses, demand for rental houses increases. You can purchase an apartment and convert it to a hostel or a restaurant.

The city has been experiencing a low supply of residential houses due to inadequate construction of new apartments. Additionally, you could purchase the existing houses and capitalize on the current rental houses market.

  1. Appreciation of Real Estate Assets

Data from the Dallas real estate market trend show that the value of houses in the city has risen by 20% over the last year. You could consider a long-term investment plan of purchasing an apartment now at a lower cost and reselling it after several years to generate profits through appreciation.

 In the short run, as you buy time for the price to rise, you could lease out the apartment for rentals earning your income.

  1. There is an Availability of Right Mentorship by Chris D. Bentley

Chris D. Bentley has customized each client’s services to ensure that you get the correct information on the ideal house unit to purchase. He will guide you on the best home financing programs to ensure that the monthly installments are convenient to you if you use a mortgage. He has a wide variety of properties that you could choose from based on your budget.

Wrap Up

Venturing into Dallas real estate is a viable and profitable idea. Chris D. Bentley has vast experience and was credited as one of the Best Realtors in Dallas in 2021. He has established that the city offers an ideal real estate market. Through his expertise, he will help you purchase your residential or commercial apartment with ease.

You could invest in rental homes  or buy apartment buildings and lease them out for several years for the price to appreciate then dispose of them at a profit. You can connect with Chris D. Bentley on Twitter @https://twitter.com/ChrisDBentley or Linkedin @ https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrisdbentley/

Top 4 Treatments That Will Give Your Skin a Noticeable Boost

When it comes to beautiful skin, most people have to put in a little effort to get results. The skin is the largest organ of the skin, and it goes through a lot in one’s lifetime. It renews itself regularly, it helps form a barrier against external factors, and it can even give you a heads-up if you have any underlying health issues. Not to mention, healthy skin can help you look and feel younger. Here are four effective treatments that will help give your skin a noticeable boost.

  1. Chemical Peel

A chemical peel is the ideal procedure for people who are unhappy with the tone and texture of their skin. Chemical peels involve applying a type of acid to the skin. It helps the skin look more radiant by exfoliating the skin causing old, dead skin to peel. In turn, this forces new skin cells to replenish and replace the dead ones. Although just one treatment can make your skin appear brighter, regular treatments can help transform the aesthetic of your skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines.

  1. Dermaplaning

As you probably already know, dead skin cells and debris can clog up your pores and cause breakouts and dull skin. Dermaplaning can help treat these issues. This treatment helps exfoliate the skin by using a scalpel to remove dead skin cells and vellus hair—the ‘peach fuzz’ on the face. Karma is a beauty clinic based in Holywood, and they offer high-quality dermaplaning treatments. You can get more information about dermaplaning by visiting karmaholywood.co.uk. Their procedure begins with a deep cleanse of the skin. The skin is then treated with a medical-grade solution before the scalpel is used. An enzyme peel is then applied to remove the dead skin cells. Dermaplaning may sound daunting, but when performed by a professional, this procedure is completely safe and can leave you with rejuvenated skin.

  1. Microneedling

Microneedling is another treatment that sounds scarier than it actually is. This minimally invasive procedure involves the use of small, fine needles to create tiny punctures in the skin. By creating these wounds, the skin kick starts its healing process and encourages the body to produce more collagen and elastin. This is a great treatment for people who suffer from acne and scarring, as it helps even out skin tone.

  1. Ultherapy to Tighten Skin

As with microneedling, this treatment revolves around collagen production. Ultherapy utilizes ultrasound technology to target deeper layers of skin to help tighten it up. This procedure can help reduce loose skin, which is why it is commonly used on the face and in the neck and chest area.

  1. Personalized Facial

Sometimes, all you really need to give yourself a boost is a good facial. At the very minimum, a facial should exfoliate your skin, remove any blackheads and hydrate the skin. However, a trained aesthetician should be able to tailor the treatment to suit your individual needs and skin type.

There you have it, four treatments that will give you glowing skin. 

Keeping Aging Parents at Home: 4 Things to Consider

It is always difficult to place aging parents in a nursing home or care facility so many adult children opt to keep their parents at home. If you are faced with this decision, there are some things you need to consider before opting to keep them at home with you. Much of the time it can be done but it will take a bit of rearranging your home and lifestyle to make a smooth transition from their home to yours.

1. Safety

While you want your elderly parents to be comfortable, safety should be your main concern. If they are suffering from any form of dementia, certain safety precautions should be observed. You will probably want to ensure they stay inside the home, or at least within the grounds, because suffering from dementia may cause them to forget where they live. You don’t want them wandering the streets lost and confused. You may feel as though you are keeping them a prisoner by keeping the doors securely locked or with gates keeping them in the yard, but it really is to keep them safe from wandering lost in traffic.

2. Specialised Care Products

You will also probably need an assortment of specialised care products you can find on sites like medical-supermarket.com. These would include such things as nursing beds, incontinence pads for the bed, incontinence underwear, shower chairs and other items to help keep them safe and comfortable while allowing you to give them the care they need.

3. In-Home Nursing Care

Some aging parents need nursing care but even then, you would rather have them at home where they feel safe and comfortable. In-home nursing care is available and sometimes a finite number of hours can be covered by the NHS and other times private insurance can cover all or part of the cost. When they begin needing shots or medications on very specific hours, although you are a loving adult child of aging parents, the care they require may be out of the scope of what you can handle.

4. Respite Care

Another thing to consider when choosing to keep your parents at home where they know they are loved and wanted is the fact that this can literally be a 24/7 job. At some point you will break if you don’t get time away. It could be one evening a week or it could be one weekend away with your spouse. Even the carer needs to be cared for from time to time and what better way is there than seeking a bit of respite care? Some insurance cover also provides this so you may want to check your policy to see if this is available to you.

It may be the loving thing to do but you should always be prepared for a new set of needs your aging parents will experience. As long as you are prepared and allow for time away for yourself, all should go well. Just know that if it gets to be more than you can handle, there are care homes out there as a last resort.